With responsibility for quality

“ORC Accounting” provides personalized accounting services at an affordable price.

Accounting that helps you grow

We will help you choose suitable services.

  • Suitable for businesses where accounting is important.
  • Saves you time and money
  • No matter what field you work in.

Price List

Prices for accounting services.

Number of documents per month Amount, EUR
25.00 €
1 - 20
50.00 € - 75.00 €
21 - 50
75.00 € - 175.00 €
51 - 80
175.00 € - 250.00 €
81 - 100
250.00 € - 300.00 €
101 - 130
300.00 € - 350.00 €
131 - 150
350.00 € - 400.00 €
151 - 170
400.00 € - 500.00 €
171 - 200
500.00 € - 750.00 €
Over 200
Price by agreement

Additional services

Operations Amount, EUR
Preparation of the annual report
100% of the monthly fee
Execution of a business trip
25.00 €
Recruitment, preparation of employment contracts
25.00 €
Correction of an updated report due to the customer's fault
25.00 €
Preparation of the operating balance
no 50.00 €
Representation in the VID, thematic inspections
50.00 €/h
Preparation of various contracts
from 30.00 €
EDS contract signing
15.00 €
VAT payer registration with the VID
50.00 €
Development of accounting policy
from 150.00 €
Other accounting services
Price by agreement

Interested in cooperating?

Entrust accounting to our specialists – we expect nothing but pleasant communication with our specialists from you.